Monday, February 3, 2014

Gay Rights

draft. The Declaration of Independence states that; we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all workforce argon created equal, that they be endowed by their Creator with squ ar unalienable rights. These words were written over two-hundred years ago, and guardianship then, the people believed in the importance of equality. solely men are created equal, and therefore there should be no difference. History shows the disagreement of African-Americans and how our country has evolved regarding racism, but now there is a variant of distinction that is becoming more prevalent. This form of discrimination is towards those of divers(prenominal) intimate orientations, such as those who are gay, lesbian, or bi sexualityual. Discrimination, nether any circumstances, is morally wrong, and discrimination based on sexual orientation needs to be addressed. Marriage is a tabu union between two people who get it on and apportion about each other, and should not be circumscr ibed to a man and a woman. Regardless of sex, age, race, or religion, anyone is fit of falling in love. On May 17th, 2004, Marcia Hams and Susan Shephard became the first kindred sex couple in the United States to be de jure married. Gays in America hoped that this marriage, which symbolized Marcia and Susans love and devotion to each, other would pass on untried doors and opportunities for them. Instead, same-sex marriage has become a highly contentious topic, with both faithful supporters and strong opponents. The American Civil Liberties amalgamation utter; Marriage is about commitment, love, sharing, and compromise. It is a private, personal survival that should not be denied to couples just because they are the same sex. Homosexuals are divest of traditional rights that heterosexual couples receive with marriage,and simply universe deprive the right to marry the one they love is absurd. This discrimination is raw and does not agree with our constitution in the fe el that All men are created equal. Homosexu! als can be embed in every race, religion, age...If you want to get a replete essay, order it on our website:

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